
2024: Year in Review

Jan 01 2025

What a year.

Ever since I made this website, I had thought about making a blog, but never felt ready. Recently a few of my friends encouraged me to really start one, and I figured since I write a lot in my personal time, why not share some of my findings and experiences with the lovely visitors stopping by? So thank you to anyone readying.
While I write this on January 1st 2025, I'd like to look back on the year I just had and share my experiences and learnings. I'd also like to formally credit this blog-post idea to @Riley Walz from walzer.com

This has felt like one of the longest years of my life, I had gone through so many life transitions in one year.

I was still a senior in college rewatching episodes of Glee while on my winter break. I got my wisdom teeth removed and developed a new-found appreciation for all fried food when I was healing for 6 weeks and could finally eat it again. I learned to savor the good.

My final semester of college began, I celebrated lunar new year with my family, my friends and I created a cardboard cutout of BTS member Jin for my friend's birthday. I unexpectedly found out I'm really good at trivia after winning an award with my friends at the library. I learned that the obscure history YouTube videos I watch to fall asleep really will come in handy one day.

I visited Europe for the first time! My partner and I went to Ireland and Scotland for spring break and it was an experience I spent the rest of the year holding dear to my heart. I honestly could write a whole blog post by itself on how Ireland captured my heart. But focusing on my learnings, I had quite a few: Next time travel somewhere warmer during mid-March, as there were +30 mph winds blowing at almost all times while in Ireland (I still fell in love with the country regardless). When I look back at my most fond memories during this trip, they all involve connecting with nature and people. Prioritize seeing the natural beauty of a country over (almost) everything else (seeing the Cliffs of Mohair and the Scottish Highlands was definitely a highlight). My favorite memory from spending St Patrick's day in Dublin was not the pubs, but rather meeting 2 other college students and eating €3 chicken fillet rolls from Dunnes (a popular grocery store/deli) from one hand, and a Club Orange (with real bits!) soda in the other while we talked about life and how chubby the park pigeons were. I learned you will never regret the time you spend being present, savoring the moment, and eating a chicken fillet roll.

My final semester in college was quite calm, so I found myself with a lot more free time to go outside and enjoy the weather. I spent that time exploring my college town of Colonial Williamsburg and developed a new found appreciation for it. The beautifully landscaped flowerbeds, the cobblestone streets, the Saturday morning farmer's market, the sheep in their pasture. I had spent the previous month exploring other places but never took the time to do the same for my local community. I learned to be a tourist in my own city!

I graduated. It was very bittersweet. I had spent 4 years of my life in this small college town, and while it took a while, it really did grow on me. It was hard doing things on campus knowing they'd be my last. I felt I was mourning each memory in real time. After this I would no longer be a "college kid." The reality that my childhood truly ended here struck me. Which is why being in the moment was so important to me. I learned all good things must come to an end.

I did some traveling post-grad! I took a day trip to NYC with my best friend (yes, it possible if you take the first and last Amtrak of the day -- do at your own risk), and we spent the day just exploring the city and saw a Broadway play (SIX) on a whim. With that same friend we also went to the Outer Banks and had one of the best donuts of my life at the original Duck Donuts. I learned that sometimes, no plan is the best plan.

I started my first full-time job and it was very stressful initially as I was adjusting but one good thing that came out of it: I was consistently waking up at 6am, something I could never imagine myself doing. I learned that a lot of your mental health can improve just by getting your 8 hours and taking a morning walk.

I made a lot of friends at work and was getting my footing, but also having many thoughts about where I saw my career going in the long term. Looking around me I realized I was really behind my peers in many ways when it came to SWE. I learned I need to seriously step up my game lol.

I went to my first work conference all the way in San Francisco! It was my first time in "NorCal" as they call it, and I visited a dear friend of mine who had just moved there. This visit had given me a much better impression of California than I previously had. My souvenir was a fond memory of us eating tiramisu in little Italy late at night. No momento t-shirt needed. I learned that you should always come up with excuses to see your friends.

My job was calming down finally and I found myself with again, a bit more free time (although sadly not as much as I did back in college). I spent this time picking up drawing again, and specifically digital art on my ipad using Procreate. I hope to showcase some of that art on this site soon. I learned that art is one of my hobbies I want to carry with me throughout my life, and I should make more time for it because it's a serious mood booster.

I spent a lot of this month reminiscing. Looking back at my diary entries from this, time I kept feeling nostalgic over childhood memories that made me sort of sad. Like how there used to be a house in my area that was famous for putting an absurd amount of Christmas lights every year and doing a coordinated light show with music. I found myself thinking of that house, and feeling very sad that the owner unfortunately got too old and stopped doing the light shows. But on a lighter note, I went to a few friendsgiving events which made my heart very full. I learned (more like remembered) to not take the things you treasure for granted.

This year I felt more in the holiday spirit than before, so I surprised my parents by bringing home an 8ft tall real christmas tree one day. I knew if I were to ask my mother beforehand if it'd be alright, she'd say no, so I didn't. My parents were shocked, but then very touched to have a real tree for Christmas again like we used to. I also began planning out my goals for the new year in early December, so that by the time January 1st rolls around I'd be ready to hit the ground running. I knew carrying the mindset that "the beginning of the year is the best time to start something" was BS. I learned (in most cases) the best time to do something is now.

So that wraps up my 2024! I know it's cliche, but there really were many ups and downs (thankfully, a general upward trend). I hope to continue to grow and learn in 2025, and I hope you do too. Thank you for reading my first blog post, and I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you.